WINHUB x SoAlive

Twitter Instagram Facebook Linkedin Envelope CONTACT SOCIAL EVENT WINHUB x SoAlive The WINHUB x SoAlive international networking event was organized in collaboration with ANMIP in Sofia, Bulgaria on October 3, 2024 during the SoAlive Music Conference. It connected professionals from 19 countries from 4 continents. The WIN delegation included heads of trade associations and labels […]


Twitter Instagram Facebook Linkedin Envelope CONTACT SOCIAL EVENT WINHUB x FIM GDL supported by powered by powered by WINHUB x FIM GDL was a social event connecting international delegates from Australia, Canada, Chile, Spain, and the USA with professionals from Mexico and the Latin American region. It took place in Casa Aguafuertes, a multicultrual space in the heart of Guadalajara, México on March 2. […]


Twitter Instagram Facebook Linkedin Envelope CONTACT ONLINE EVENT WINHUB AR|CL|ES WINHUB AR/CL/ES es un evento online de 2 horas y 20 minutos de duración que tuvo lugar el pasado 18 de abril de 2023. Consistió en una pri mera sesión con presentaciones de los mercados de música de Argentina, Chile y España seguido de una serie de speed meetings en los que […]